Jill LeBlanc
In 1997 Jill cut out of an African dance class early to attend her first Yoga class. She rushed in late (normal for her) only to find stillness (huh?)… followed by the Ashtanga Led Primary Series (whew!)
Originally Jill was convinced the physical demands of this rigorous form of yoga was all that held her interest. It wasn’t until the absence of my practice (& the connection to her breath and awareness), that she began to notice her mental and emotional state waver. Recognizing her practice offered more than just physical benefits she I continued the practice.
Fifteen years later (still running late….), one of her many wonderful teachers reminded her, “Its ok, slow down, life has wiggles.” Once again, reinforcing both the invitation and the encouragement to show up as you are (not as you’re suppose to be) while honoring self-acceptance and finding a state of peace. For Jill (laughingly), Yoga is less expensive than psychotherapy and more hype than anger management!
Her excitement to teach stems from the hope to help others grow closer to their Self, recognizing the possibilities (physical, mental and emotional) that lie within, both on and off the mat.
“Love the life you live, live the life you love” – Bob Marley
Teacher Trainings:
2002 Yogafit 50 Hr
2010 Lahiri School of Yoga 200 Hr Vinyasa2011 The Yoga Workshop 22 Hr Yoga Anatomy Intensive
2013 Inversion Yoga 200 Hr Hot Yoga
2013 Sarah Kellett 30 Hr OmGym Suspension Yoga
Workshops, Meditations, Education:
Lolita Karoli (meditation and ayurveda) David Williams (ashtanga), Dajes Javelier (kundalini), D’ana Baptiste (power yoga), Monica Mesa (prana flow), Andrea Boyd and Jeffery Cohen (jivamukti), Richard Freeman (ashtanga), Desiree Raumbaugh (anusara), Tias Little, Scott Blossom (ayurveda). B.S. Science education
All the teachers who come before me, and all students. “The mind is like a parachute, is does not work if it isn’t open”