Louise Sanseau
Louise is the owner of Inversion Yoga which she founded in 2010. Louise reminds her students to connect to their center and explore inward for the guidance they seek. With two feet anchored on earth, she teaches her students how to become reliable, unwavering, and sincere both on the mat and out in the world. She believes yoga heals that which divides us from our essential self and helps organize our consciousness around our inner truth.
Louise loves most variations, schools, lineages, and brands of Yoga and Pilates. She is genuinely thrilled for anyone on the yoga and inner work path. She is a student of Ashtanga Yoga as taught in the lineage of Sri Krishnamacharya. Her main teachers are: Bhavani Maki, Tim Miller, and Dena Kingsberg. She is trained in over 1,000+ hrs of Yoga, 750+ hrs of Pilates, and is a lead teacher in many of our YTT programs.
Off the mat, Louise works to create sustainable, heart-felt businesses. She seeks to connect people to themselves and to one another in a healthy, positive, and kind community. Louise believes that people heal and grow when they feel safe and supported. She works to create spaces of sanctuary for anyone seeking community, wellness, transformation, and a deeper level of self-study.
2006 CorePower Yoga 200 Hr
2011 100 Hr in Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series w/ Tim Miller
2012 100 Hr in Ashtanga Yoga Second Series w/ Tim Miller
2013 300 Hr Hot Yoga Maui
2013 24 Hr Thai Yoga Massage Level 1
2013 30 Hr OmGym Suspension Yoga
2014 500 Hr Yoga Therapy Training
2014 100 Hr in Philosophy, Sanskrit & Asana Study w/ Bhavani Maki
2016 Rama Jyoti Vernon Yoga Sutra Workshop
2017-2018 Dena Kingsberg 3 Week Study in Ashtanga and various 5 day workshops
2020-2021 500 Hr Comprehensive Pilates Certification
2023 IM=X Reformer Training
“Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.” ― Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi
“It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing.” ― Mahatma Gandhi