50 hr YTT
December 12, 2022 @ 7:00 am - December 17, 2022 @ 6:00 pm
50 hr Vinyasa 2.0 Training
December 12 – 17, 2022 | With Niki Sue, Dani Perry + Louise Sanseau
Wrap up your year with a 6 day Heated Vinyasa Training led by Niki Sue and Dani, assisted by Louise. All you need is love. This training is a love fest!
6 days of pranayama, chant, meditation.
2 heated vinyasa, full practices a day.
12 sessions that support both your vinyasa practice and how you teach a class with deeper exploration of adjustments, props, advanced asana, modifications, chant, and dharma talks.
This is a pre-holiday, heated vinyasa power burn. The asana practice will bake you. Each vinyasa class will be supported with 2 teachers so you will receive as many adjustments and assists as you want. This 50 hr training is for the student looking to deepen their practice and for the teacher looking to expand their ability to create space for transformative experiences in their classes. Take all your stresses from 2022 and let them melt away before the new year! Join our 50 hr Vinyasa 2.0 Training online, in person, or hybrid. This training will equip you with the teachings, techniques, and experience to guide a Vinyasa Flow yoga class. Cultivate your ability to enhance the “bhava” or uplifting expression of one’s energy in both the yoga room and in your life! Let your love shine!
Daily Schedule:
7:00 – 7:50 Sadhana
8:00 – 10:00 Practice
11:00 – 2:00 Practicum Session
3:00 – 4:00 Lecture Discussion
4:00 – 6:00 Practice
+ Readings, homework, student practice teaching, recorded classes, and coursework required in addition to daily schedule.
Tuition: $795 (early bird $695 ends Nov 20)
50 Hrs can be applied towards your 200 or 300 hr YTT * Must complete all 50 hours for Training Credits. Training can be done in person or virtual; pricing is the same.